Have a habit of excessive snacking in between mealtimes? You can stop it by means of an easy and tasty. Just add avocado to your lunch menu.
Recent research shows that eating half an avocado at lunch can increase satiety and reduce the desire to snack between meals. The present invention is obtained after the researchers compared the effects of adding fresh avocado to lunch with a lunch menu usually.
The study aims to find out how to influence the level of satisfaction of avocado consumption, blood sugar, insulin response and cravings. The study involved 26 adults with a healthy body condition but being overweight.
From the results of studies that have been published in the Nutrition Journal, found that participants who ate half of fresh avocado fruit at lunch , the desire to snack is reduced by 40 percent for three hours after eating . While 28 percent survive resist the desire to eat for the next five hours after eating.
Participants also reported feeling more satisfied with the lunch they ate for three hours afterwards. Lead researcher , Dr. Joan Sabate of Loma Linda University , California , as quoted by the Daily Mail says , " The level of satisfaction of eating is an important factor in maintaining weight remains ideal, because people who feel satisfied ( with food ) tend to be little snacking desire on the main dining hours. "
The nutritionist also said, though adding avocados also contribute significant increase intake of calories and carbohydrates, not seen an increase in blood sugar. These findings led researchers to conclude that the avocado has the potential to play an important role in maintaining the stability of blood sugar. Although to know the exact facts, further studies need to be done.
Avocado is a fruit that contains about 150 calories, is also rich in fiber. But avocados are also high in fat, so consumption should be limited to a maximum per day remains one item a day. Eat it raw. Without sugar, used a mixture of ice, sweetened condensed milk and other ingredients
Recent research shows that eating half an avocado at lunch can increase satiety and reduce the desire to snack between meals. The present invention is obtained after the researchers compared the effects of adding fresh avocado to lunch with a lunch menu usually.
Avocados can prevent excessive snacking and Help Diet Programs
The study aims to find out how to influence the level of satisfaction of avocado consumption, blood sugar, insulin response and cravings. The study involved 26 adults with a healthy body condition but being overweight.
From the results of studies that have been published in the Nutrition Journal, found that participants who ate half of fresh avocado fruit at lunch , the desire to snack is reduced by 40 percent for three hours after eating . While 28 percent survive resist the desire to eat for the next five hours after eating.
Participants also reported feeling more satisfied with the lunch they ate for three hours afterwards. Lead researcher , Dr. Joan Sabate of Loma Linda University , California , as quoted by the Daily Mail says , " The level of satisfaction of eating is an important factor in maintaining weight remains ideal, because people who feel satisfied ( with food ) tend to be little snacking desire on the main dining hours. "
The nutritionist also said, though adding avocados also contribute significant increase intake of calories and carbohydrates, not seen an increase in blood sugar. These findings led researchers to conclude that the avocado has the potential to play an important role in maintaining the stability of blood sugar. Although to know the exact facts, further studies need to be done.
Avocado is a fruit that contains about 150 calories, is also rich in fiber. But avocados are also high in fat, so consumption should be limited to a maximum per day remains one item a day. Eat it raw. Without sugar, used a mixture of ice, sweetened condensed milk and other ingredients
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