What do you do to lose weight? If the answer diet, exercise, stop snacking, or eating lots of vegetables and fruits that do indeed commonplace. Because, you know there are a ridiculous way to lose weight. In fact, instead of losing weight, how ridiculous it actually can be harmful. What is it? Well, here's five ways to lose weight is ridiculous and even dangerous to health you can check it below. Ridiculous Ways that Do to Lose Weight 1. Tapeworm Diet In this diet, you will eat deliberately tapeworm so the worms can absorb carbohydrate or other nutrients that are considered excessive. In fact, tapeworms that live in the body can lay millions of eggs that could potentially lead to the loss of nutrients and vitamins, especially vitamin B12 in the body. 2. Plastic wrapping the body this procedure involves herbal substances dipped in plastic wrap and can release large amounts of sweat. The goal is to detoxify the body that can help you lose weight. However, you should be...
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